Online Life Drawing

“Live” Zoom Life Drawing

Cornwall has a great variety of life drawing sessions across the county (as you can find on this website), which are held throughout the week/weekends, mornings, afternoons and even evenings. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a little change and sketch from the comfort of your own home with your favourite glass of vino or drink and also provides a huge range of diverse life models throughout the world. Below are several online life drawing session (usually via Zoom) that I have personally life modelled for and can certainly recommend.

Please click on the links below for more info for each of the organisers, as all sessions are not necessarily on each week (some may just be over the summer season etc).

Laxmi Hussain

Weekly sessions on Saturday mornings 10-12pm from July till mid October 2024 run by Laxmi (Contemporary Art Academy) via Zoom.

Cheryl Gould

Weekly sessions on most Monday evenings 7-9pm with varying model themes run by Cheryl via Zoom.

David Perry
via Zoom

Themed/Traditional life drawing sessions modelled and run by David Perry (also available 1:1 or groups) via Zoom.

Page Updated: 04/08/2024